To my brother

Created by Andrew one year ago

I don't know where to start. I met Bub 60 years ago. I had a cousin John who lived in Kingston. Bub was his friend, and we called them the Kingston Boys. We partied and clubbed and had the most wonderful time. 

And that was where Josie met Bub. And the rest, they say, is history. 

Bub was such a wonderful person to me and my boys. When my husband died money was tight. He did all of our decorating, all of our odd jobs, nothing was too much trouble. He was so good with the boys. He even taught them how to decorate.

Bubs and Josie have always been my rocks, and I could not have done it without them.

All families have sad times, but then that's life. But we have had such wonderful and happy times. So much laughter ! Bubs and I always had a joke, and whenever the fooball came on the TV he would call out "Carol !, Chelsea are playing if you want to watch !" and it was always the same answer - "F... off, I would rather stick needles in my eyes !". I can still hear him laughing now.

This illness... He was so dignified. He never complained, or moaned, he just got on with it. And not many people are lucky enough to have a Bub (Dave) in their life. But now it is time for you to take a well earned rest. So I say, night night, sleep tight and god bless.

See you soon

All my love

Carol xxx