
Created by Abigail one year ago
Every young girl has dreams of fairy tales and magic, hero knights and beloved kings. Of the Prince saving the Princess with True Love’s Kiss. I was lucky. I did not have to dream. My Grandfather transformed my childhood into exciting adventures; brought alive Christmas and Halloween. He protected and provided for the family, and showed me the true meaning of a Great Man. Not to mention the love I was privileged enough to witness between him and my Nan, which was better than any fable or film. 

Although I think this world is a much darker place without him, I can’t help but feel proud of the beacon of light that he was. He was like a lighthouse, standing proud - unmoved and unbroken - no matter the weather. His light navigated all those who knew him into a harbour of safety; whether that was as a friend, a father, a Grandfather, or a Husband. He was a shoulder to lean on, a pair of ears to listen, a set of eyes to see more than what you might say, and a pair of hands willing to offer help wherever he could. 

To have had him as my Grandfather, I can’t believe my luck. Sometimes the profound loss I feel snatches my breath away, but priceless memories of my Grandad and I floods air back into my lungs. To live even half a life as full as his will be a difficult feat. And that will be my mission - to try and live as good a life, filled with as many wonderful friends and family, as he did. 

I hope wherever Grandad is now, that he can finally rest - safe in the knowledge that the legacy he has left behind will endure. I will love and miss him forever. 

~ Forever and always your bestest girl in the whole wide world. 

P.S give Barney a big cuddle from me.